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Unknown Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856 in country which now is termed as Yugoslavia. "The Father of wireless" named, he was clairvoyant and had various paranormal abilities. Most of all he has become famous in young years, when he has created the generator of alternating-current and those has submitted to mankind an opportunity of broad use of an electricity.

Tesla has received classical formation, spoke in several languages. In Europe he has made the first steps as the inventor and electronic engineer. In Paris Edison has paid attention to his ability, and Tesla was invited to an occurring with the known inventor. Though Edison has taken him in the command, the relation from them has not developed.

The system of the Edison used a direct current, for what it was necessary through everyone some miles to build potent stations. Tesla has tried to convince it that the alternating current is more effective and is less expensive. But Edison persisted and felt in Tesla of talented competitor. Genius of this young man really exceeded virtues of Edison!

The Edison has not supported the revolutionary plans of Tesla concerning use alternating-current. Eventually they completely have quarrelled, when Tesla has declared to Edison, that can on practice confirm simplicity of making of new machines and advantage of its use. The Edison has promised to him 50 thousand bucks for realization of such operations at one enterprise. Tesla has prepared twenty four types of devices and completely has changed a factory. On Edison it has yielded huge impression, but money he has not paid, having announced the promise by a development "the American sense of humour".

J. Westinhous itself was the inventor and considered Tesla as the genius. He has realized the plan of Tesla on manufacture of the cheap electric power alternating-current, having constructed power station on Niagara Falls, and after that the world became other. In the meantime Edison has tried to prove danger alternating-current for life of the man, for what demonstrative has killed by a variable electric current a dog.

The Edison in oblivion has died.

The career of a Tesla has gone upwards, his experiments have gained broad popularity. In Medison Skver Garden he has shown distance steering small boat, but many people have found it magic.

The tesla also was conducted with remarkable experience in Colorado Springs. He connected the second deductions from bulbs to crude ground, and the bulbs lighted up. Thus, it has shown, that the ground will carry out an electric current. It proved, that, having learned, the population of the Earth can use boundless reserves of energy.

Tesla has constructed on Longum - Iland the high radiomast and wanted to create system permitting to receive a free energy. But in height of operations the banker Morgan has beaten out soil at him from under legs. He was not interested with charge-free energy. The standing of a Tesla has worsened, his reputations the serious loss was marked. Partly it was called by his periodic announcements about connections with other planet civilization. Partly by necessity to hide his participation in the new confidential designs.

Tesla well felt a metaphysics, having left in the inheritance to mankind of the inventions based on his unique gift of an anticipating.

The alert relation to his views a beginning to develop from times of demonstration experiment in Colorado - Springs, that is approximately since 1900, when a Tesla has declared, that инопланетная the civilization supports with him connection and that he feels their signals every time, when on a palate there is a Mars.

Same has taken place in 1926, when he has established radiomasts in Валдорф-Астории and in the laboratory in New York. As he said, the obtained information stated, that he will lose the people, if not will introduce of changes to requirements of experiment. The time for manufacture of new inventory was necessary for him.

The technique of overcoming of age originates from operations of a Tesla. The generator of the zero standard of time of a Tesla has constructed per 20 years. He consist of a gang of turned and rotaried wheels. Such device we usually term with "top". It is the strange device - because, when it rotate, it is possible to hear, that in a nem something makes, though to it nothing connected. It is connected and to gyration of the Earth, which is the secondary zero standard of time. Secondary, because the gyration of the Earth is bound to gyration of Solar system, which is bound to gyration of a galaxy, and that - with gyration of the Universe. The Universe rotates around of a point of zero of time.

Wishing can better understand it, having read operations of the Tesla, how he has unclosed an alternating current, leaning on principles of gyration of magnetic fields of the Earth. The generator of zero of time in a particular degree iterates these processes, however is not bound to gyration of the Earth. He takes into consideration gyration of the Sun, our galaxy and directly centre of our reality.

The ordering for manufacture of inventory for the confidential designs has got RCA (American radioindustrial corporation). Nikola Tesla per 30 years created receivers for RCA. In those times the operation of a Tesla hid under a code title "N.Terbo" (surname of his mother before marriage). A tesla has supplied these receivers with inductance coils of the special construction. The usual reels were supplied with original gadgets designed by Tesla.

By preparation to Philadelphian experiment of Tesla has created the device to help the sailors in case of losses of orientation with time, since technology of the design “Rainbow”, which director with 1936 for 1942 was by a Tesla, has appeared destructive for mentality and biological structure of human entities. The purpose of the device - to restore normal binding of the person to time, if there will be a desorientation. To someone has come in a head to use this device for the solution of problems of overcoming of age.

As explained a Tesla, if the person can have bias of binding in time, it is possible practically change age. If whose binding in time to bias for twenty years back, age reserve of a body accordingly will vary.

The requirement of a Tesla about magnification of time at preparation for trials under the design “Rainbow” in attention have not accepted. The government conducted war and did not arrange a reserve of time. A tesla has accepted to business, but in March, 1942 has arranged the act of sabotage. According to the official data, he has died in 1943, but there is an argued guess, that he have forwarded in England, and for organization of funeral used a body of the double. The body кремировали for following day after mors, that contradicted traditions of an orthodox faith, which adhered in his family to. Therefore remains disputable, he has died whether or not. The confidential documentation from his safe was excepted and more never was mentioned.

Nowadays many engineers consider as man "with strangenesses", from birth by the allotted elestronic talent. A very convenient and quite approaching explanation for maintenance of an atmosphere of ignorance and privacy.

In any case is not subject to doubt, that he much more has anticipated the time.