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Александр Блис

16 - on September 21, 1998 in St.-Petersburg the International Conference " SPACE, TIME, GRAVITATION " was held IV. Let's remind to the readers shortly history these конфернций. The crisis of the physics which has burst in the extremity(end) XIX of a blepharon has given in the statement(confirmation) in science of a Theory of relativity, which is the base of physics till now. The advancement of science on this bottom(basis) has given in bucking sciences and severe inconsistencies, though because of rough development of technique this crisis not clearly is seen also tutorials prolong to instill to the students, schoolboys and обывателям about " of Great scientific revolution ". The operations of the separate scientists indicating an inaccuracy and an incompetence of philosophical, physical and mathematical bottoms(bases) of a theory of relativity by an Academy of sciences former USSR were prohibited to the publication.

Initiative group of the scientists (Толчельникова seconds. А., Ефимов And. А., Варин m. П., Шпитальная And. А. etc.) in March, 1989 in Пулковской of an observatory have conducted I an International conference with the same title. Then the first publication about this conference under title " of Physics -диссиденты at last has appeared leave from подполья ". The democratic changes in our country, major interest to fundamental bottoms(bases) of natural sciences of scientific all world have allowed to conduct II-ю a Conference in 1991г., III-ю - in 1994г. Now at these conferences except for Russia and CIS the scientific USA, Canada, Germanium, Great Britain, Francium etc. countries participate. Conferences of steel authoritative and recognized in the world; the transactionses of conferences are issued.

IV-I a Conference transited in circumstances of a free exchange of judgements and lack(absence) any of the exclusion to scientific subjects of the reports. The true should punch a road by controversies and inclinings, and the methods of the exclusions and авторитаризма should be excluded. The organizers of a conference recognized that all should be used best, conducting to progress in fundamental science. 100 reports, from them more than 30 representatives of long-range foreign countries were heard. From all subjects of the reports it is possible to allocate three principal directions.

I-е A direction are the reports basing adopted modern science bottoms(bases) of physics (the atomistic doctrine, quantum mechanics, theory of relativity). Here it is possible to note the new solution of a problem of Maxwell equations for several propellented эарядов (university of Connecticut, USA); the reports devoted to new representations such основопологающих of concepts as time, mass, gravitation. It is possible to note the report and monography seconds. Кадырова (university of. Bishkeks, Kirghizia), devoted to a Uniform field Theory, problems of a cosmology and fundamental particles. Leaning(basing) on theoretical standings both experimental datas of modern science and formation the generalized theory of a Uniform field, the author shows substance of the physical world in uniform communication(connection) of fundamental particles and cosmology having the blanket laws. As a result of the operation it(he) rejects a lot of standings of modern fundamental physics, as in the deductions shows, that the Time and Space - is absolute, quarks - chance representation of model of particles.

The conferring of the director МНТЦ ВЕНТ Акимова А.Е sensationally has sounded. About successful realization on the basis of development of the theory of torsion fields unique эксперементальных of development for searching useful minerals new type of drives, installations with efficiency major еденицы. For example, at an expenditure of 1 kw the installation oozes energy with power of 4 kw. However law of physics stating, that in closed system efficiency can not be more than 1, is not upset. The additional energy undertakes from an environmental perfect vacuum. In this case complete plan of installation is unclosed to a perfect vacuum and the blanket efficiency will not exceed 1. As to theoretical bottoms(bases) of this interesting conferring, there were serious problems, as Акимов has specified the theory of a perfect Vacuum (report Шипова. И.), leaning(basing) on a theoretical standing of an Einstein. And though in калуарах to Шипову there were many problems on a physical nature happening, but also here doubtful and unconvincing it seems the old hackneyed term, that " measure(test) of scientific true is the practice ". The lecturers have specified, that the energy of a perfect vacuum reaches vast quantity - 10 (degree 95) дж on см (квадр). But it is known, that a total energy will be spotted by a relation m c (квадр). Then mass 1 см (degree 3) perfect vacuum should be so major, that such density not only is not possible(probable) practically, but she(it) even cannot be presented emotionally. You see thousand of years back representation about an ether (empty space) was associate with thin, unweighable матарией.

II-е The direction is the reports, bound with criticism of a theory of relativity. Such reports, as well as at the previous conferences was enough and in different aspects. Here and philosophical problems, bound with an epistemological nature of concepts "space" and "time" (Чешев In. In; Васильев In. To; Кемпбелл Дж.); the reports, паказывающие an incompetence of the mathematical kettle of the theory относительнисти (Брусины; Манч Н.); viewing of physical aspects, bound with origin of a theory of relativity and deriving of the alternate solutions (reports Сержантова. Ф., Севальнева А., Мюллера etc.). Probably, if could hear основоположники of a relativism valid criticism in the address, there would be other bottoms(bases) of physics, on while it is necessary пальзоветься that the history has given. Therefore represent иотерес the reports of an alternate direction.

III-е A direction are the reports showing an opportunity of the alternate solution of fundamental bottoms(bases) of physics. Such direction, as well as at the previous Conferences is the study and recognizing of an ether - medium rejected by an Einstein at разрабоике of a theory of relativity. The success of this direction by that will be stronger, than the ether will be better investigated and will be more unclosed of his(its) particular properties; it is not enough of one blanket hypotheses about existence of an ether already. About a problem of an ether was spoken in the conferrings Чумаченко Н. В., Черепенникова In. Б. etc. Especially complete информацоя on ether contained in reports Брусиных, which have stopped already on 5 his(its) unclosed properties (ether - it бесчастичная a substance of Newtonian character, carrier of heat, characterizes pressure in gases, characterizes деффект of masses, is a bottom(basis) of fundamental particles and any substances). Uncovered свайства of an ether allow them to conduct the program of operations on deriving a new ethereal energy source of an annihilation type, what was informed in the report. It will allow to refuse atomic power stations.

In a controversy on arguing the reports and summarizing of a conference was spoken and about importance of spiritual development of the man, about inexhaustible force and necessity of knowledge of those opportunities of the man, which by invisible hairlines relate it(him) with short-range and far space of the Universe, but by virtue of delicacy of bottoms(bases) of science, while are outside physics and concern to a metaphysics. The modern bottoms(bases) of physics are not an error of the separate persons, and are a natural historical way of an advancement of science. In requirements of bottoms(bases) of the atomistic doctrine postulating the world consisting from atoms and hollow, consisting of of atoms of physics 100 years back with the help of a theory of relativity were represented to most successful. A series of the scientists scored, that the relevant problems of modern science are bound(interlinked) to a problem п at with т about т ы. It is possible to add, that a failure from the concept of hollow and the transition on аристотелевские of a position of a continuity of a substance (improve - ether) will give new bottoms(bases) to physics and the crisis will be overcome!

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