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“ Crisis of a modern physics - Enlightenment ”

А.П. Смирнов.

        we present operation физиков, principals of an international physical congress “ Fundamental bottoms(bases) of natural sciences ” А.П. Смирнова and Я.Г. Клюшина, termed by them “ Crisis of a modern physics - Enlightenment ”.        
On a phon of world(global) discoveries ХХ of a blepharon in various fields of knowledge, reachings in technique and technologies the physics was not able to explain the most prime appearances. In an arsenal of a modern physics and mathematical kettle there are principles and laws for exposition of processes of interaction. There are principles, hypothesis, model intended for exposition of states of objects, and the process is thought as sequence of such static patterns. In physics there is no place of life, alive, there are no principles of exposition of relationships of cause and effect.
        Has appeared, that the difficulties, existing within centuries, and problems, constantly incipient in physics, are stipulated by incorrect translations and treatment of definitions, principles and laws in a classical inheritance, in the compositions of the Galilei and Newton. They offer principles of dynamics(changes), which were not perceived(recognized) and are acquired by scientific community. Modern physics the Newtonian statement of the third law, fundamental law of interaction in actual processes is not known.
        “ to Activity there is always peer and is opposite directional counteraction: ”, but: … the activity is estimated by product of force of activity and velocity of its(her) appendix, and counteraction - product of a counterforce and velocity of its(her) distribution, response. In translations most important is overlooked - requirement and expedient of transition of the parent(reason), action in a corollary, counteraction.
        Taken from experience (principle of operation полиспаса, jack, wedge), this law is universal, determining requirements of development антиэнтропийных of processes, counteracting a degradation of the world and thermal mors of the Universe. This law underlies a various kind of transmutations in substances and cores, down to трансмутации of kerns at usual temperatures, processes in alive, processes of creation new.
        New парадигма is and other logic of the analysis of processes, another mathematicians, other perception of the world as world sectional in a motion. The change of outlook will allow not only to decide a broad circle of problems, in essence unsolvable within the framework of a modern physics, but also to approach to a solution of vital activity alive, to uncover requirements necessary for harmony of the Man, Society(community) and Nature.
        the New mentality uncloses epoch of spiritual, physical and intellectual renewal both perfectings of the man and society(community), creating requirements for development of a new civilization.