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В. And. Ацюковский

Эфиродинамика - physics ХХI of century.

Modern theoretical physics погрязла in idealism. By the purpose she(it) figures not knowledge of legitimacies of the actual physical world, and integrating in one blanket equation of mathematical expositions of fundamental interactions. In physics predominates феноменология, i.e. the exterior exposition of appearances, mathematical exposition prevails above physical sense, the interior structures of material formations are not considered generally. The physical theory in the bottom(basis) постулативна, in it(her) the postulational method has taken roots, when the basis start without the due substantiation. The processes are reduced not to motions of a substance, and to spatially - time contortions. The standing which has been put forward In was justified. And. Лениным in 1909: " the Substance has disappeared, there were one equations ". The directional selection of the facts under the prevailing theory takes place. And thus, the ideas (postulates, postulates, "principles") are telescoped on the first place, and substance - study of a nature, its(her) reality - on second. According to standings of modern theoretical physics space, time and energy it appear not by properties of a substance, and its(her) substitutes. Raised in a rank of the law " the principle of indeterminacy " has put key restriction in an opportunity of knowledge of interior processes of a microcosm. Therefore in the most @ essence the modern physics is deep идеалистична.

Output(exit) from dock, in which there was a theoretical physics ХХ of a blepharon, is the return to материалистическим to the concepts of classical physics in view of the experience, accumulated by separate physical directions. The transition to following is necessary for this purpose, for more deep, than fundamental particles of substance, hierarchical level of organization of a substance. Thus in a bottom(basis) of build-up of the new physical theory the representation about blanket physical invariants should lie which are a motion and three his(its) continuous component - substance, space and

Time. Within the framework of representations about eternally existing неуничтожимой and not framed substance, Euclidean space and uniformly current undirectional time return to viewing physical medium filling all world(global) space, being a building material for the return to viewing physical medium filling all world(global) space, being a building material for return to viewing physical medium

The transition to a new level of organization of a substance is the next physical revolution which is capable not only to deduce the physical theory from dock, but also to supply(ensure) a qualitatively new level in the solution of actual practical problems.

The method поуровневого of a dimple in a structure of a substance historically completely has justified itself both in philosophical and theoretical, and in a common sense. This method was always used, when the boundedness of representations about the device of a substance for the mastered hierarchical level did not allow to permit the accumulated theoretical inconsistencies. The transition to new, allowed more deep, than mastered, level of a structure of a substance these inconsistencies to permit. Thus the new applied possibilities of using of the obtained knowledge were unclosed. It also marked by itself the next physical revolution.

So transition from a nature as such to substances ("ground" - твердь, "water" - fluid, "air" - gas and "light"("fire") - energy) has given the people philosophy. The transition from substances to substances has given construction, the transition from substance to a molecule has given a mechanics, the transition from a molecule to atom has given chemistry, the transition from atom to "fundamental particles" has given an atomic energy.

What will give now transition from "fundamental particles" of substance to амерам - to their particles? It(he) will give эфиродинамику, revival of representations about an ether, of which all consists on light, which motions make essence of all force fields of interactions. It will give comprehension of interior essence of all physical appearances with incalculable applied opportunities.

The analysis has shown, that the ether is usual actual viscous and compressible gas, and to it(him) приложимы all laws of a usual gas mechanics, therefore now we arrange the necessary mathematical kettle for realization of the necessary analysis. We arrange also all necessary resorts for production and realization of the relevant experiments. The carried out(spent) experiments, most elementary, have shown a regularity of the chosen direction, but also the theoretical researches, and applied examinations require(demand) sharp expansion of blanket front of operations.

Now all world is in a crisis standing, at all only our country. It is possible with confidence to tell, that the developed capitalist countries are at all in the best standing, it is prime they try now to correct the businesses at our expense. It is bound(interlinked) not that there there are poor people, and that the exhaustion of raw material in the world is sharp has raised the question about survival one at the expense of others. The capitalist countries съели all raw material, доедают the underdeveloped countries, and now were for by same to us. And what will be after also our raw material will be съедено and whether for a long time it(him) will suffice? What will be literally in 20-30 years? Whom then we shall be is?

Is especially sharp there is a problem about энергоносителях. The petroleum reserves are settled(exhausted), the immovable coal terminates, the woods are cut down, the rivers and seas are spoiled. Use of alternate radiants is poorly effective. Between that we are at completely inexhaustible ocean of energy, ecological pure, which can be taken in any place of space, any portions, at any time. But for this purpose in this direction it is necessary to work, instead of to shout, that the ether discredited itself, because it(he) is not loved by(with) a special theory of relativity, which immediately will burst, as soon as the ether will be recognized. But the applied problems are knocked on a door, and before us there is a dilemma, or them to solve, or to perish from a deficiency of raw material, загубленной of a bionomics and natural nonsense.