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Bruce de Palme ( )

Bruce de Palme’s inventions do not differ by such wide outlook and scope of knowledge as John W.Keely, Nikola Tesla or Viktor Schauberger. But by addressing to sources of development of an electricity on the basis of the analysis of representations on a Faraday’s unipolar induction, Bruce de Palme has understood that modern traditionally used electrotechnical devices and technology having one-sided irrational expended character also do not realize an exchange with boundless energy of an environment (primordial energy) but only dissipate, spend it. The understanding of it has permited Bruce de Palme to create so-called N-machines with efficiency more than 1 (over unity), realizing its processes and rationally using this energy.

1. Where Electrical Science Went Wrong

2. On the Nature of Electricity

3. Magnetism as a Distortion of a Pre-existent Primordial Energy Field and the Possibility of Extraction of Electrical Energy Directly from Space