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Pyramids in proportions of a golden Section - generator of life

Effect of the shape of Pyramids as the factor of Harmony of structure of Space

“ Be spared лжепророков, which come to you in the sheep clothes(clothing),
And inside essence the wolves хищные:по to fetuses them learn(find out) them
( New Precept. From Матфея.)


Here it is possible to look at effects(results) of experiments

For a number of years in Russia the examinations of Pyramids in proportions of a golden Section will be carried out(spent). For these years of a Pyramid are constructed in Zaporozhye and Voronezh, in the Belgorod and Tver fields(areas), in Подмосковном Раменском and Tolyatti, in Uzbekistan and Bashkiria. The most major Pyramid of height 44 meters is constructed at the end of 1999 near Moscow on 38 kms of a highway Moscow - рига.

It is necessary to note, that it not the first pyramids in territory of Russia. More than hundred years ago of columns Львов in the manor близ of city Торжка already built a pyramid of height 11 meters. The geometrical parameters of this pyramid represented something medial between pyramids of Egypt and Pyramids in proportions of a golden Section. In this pyramid there was a wine cellar and fault from him(it) were glorified in neighboring губерниях.

Already many тысячелетия the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid is a subject of reflections for inquisitive mind(wit). I want to pay attention that in this case we shall speak about Pyramids with particular geometry based on proportions of a golden Section. The diameters of the next balls in sequence of balls entered in this Pyramid, form such proportion. Thus height of such Pyramid approximately in 2 times is more than the leg(party) of a quadrate lying in its(her) warrant(basis). That fact is very important, that the Pyramids are made of a nonconducting material - glass fibre plastics or стеклобетона - and " without a uniform nail " (the presence even of small quantity(amount) of metal in its(her) construction in times reduces effective action). The pyramids should be oriented in Space on a terrestrial meridian. The facet(side) of a Pyramid "looks" precisely at a Polar Star.

The sites(segments) of Space of the Universe with enough dense material objects (for example, Solar System) subject to changes (warpages) of the structure under action including ментальной of activity of Reason, his(its) inadequate Medium Обитания. The inharmonious events in an adjacent space, in a far space aggravate a situation. The basic working hypothesis, from which we work already many years sounds approximately so: let's imagine Space around of us. For obviousness we shall divide it(him) on кубики. We shall see equal planes, precise, orderly lines - complete harmony around. Now we shall deliver series a curve mirror and we shall have a look in him(it). We shall see, how these equal, orderly lines and planes were bended, have floated. And model of curved Space. The man in curved Space, which structure has deviated a state of Harmony, loses reference points, it(he) lives as in a fog, becomes inadequate to the human substance. By corollary of a warpage of Space, the diversions of his(its) structure from a state of Harmony are all ground troubles: illnesses, epidemics, criminality, earthquake, wars, regional conflicts, social intensity, economic катаклизмы, бездуховность, slope of morals.

The pyramid in a band of the activity is direct or опосредованно corrects structure of Space, approximates it(him) to a state of Harmony. Everything, that is or hits in this Space, begins to develop in a direction of Harmony. Thus the probability of origin of all numbered troubles impinges. Dynamics(changes) of a softening and liquidation of all negative developments essentially depends on the size of a Pyramid, its(her) orientation in space and keeping of all geometrical relations. With doubling of height of a Pyramid its(her) fissile action amplifies ~ in 10 5 - 10 7 Time.

In a band of action of a Pyramid the appearances are exhibited which today can be referred to феноменологии. Even at a frost in 40 Ё From an inside Pyramid the usual water does not freeze. At a sharp jarring of a bottle with such supercooled water she(it) freezes for 2-3 seconds. If to look at a Pyramid by a locator in a gamut of waves 10 см, above it(her) the ionic pole in some kilometers in height is seen. When begin to total, how many it is necessary for energy for making and maintaining of such pole, it appears, that it is not enough of all power stations of our planet far for this purpose. The guess that such ionic pole is a potent replenishment of an ionosphere and can decide all problems озонового of a stratum, has found acknowledgement(confirmation) after terminating construction of a Pyramid of height 22 meters on a coast of lake Селигер in the summer of 1997. In some months after that in Northern Hemisphere of a planet озоновый the stratum was given in norm, and we have begun to overlook(forget) about " озоновых holes ". If a similar Pyramid to construct in a Southern Hemisphere, or to transfer there action already of existing Pyramid, for example, in territory of Australia, Brasil or Peru, in some months we would state liquidation of a problem " озоновых of holes " in gauge of all planet. The similar ionic pole is observed above энергоблоками of nuclear stations, places of burials nuclear отходов, other objects with high energies. But the radiative circumstances around and inside a Pyramid do not differ from background values. Essentially change the physical and chemical properties many substances: semiconductors, carbon materials etc. thus is surprising that these substances as though оживают. Their properties vary under the sine law in time with enough major amplitude. There is a spontaneous charging(charge) of condensers, the temperature threshold of a superconductivity varies, is scaled of physical time. Under action of a field of a Pyramid in a weight of a physical body some times varies. From a school bench we have got used to consider(count), that there are certain Абсолюты, physical constants - speed of light in vacuo, a Dirac constant, temperature of terrain clearance zero etc. Yes, these physical quantities really are constants, but only for that state of Space, at which their measurings and evaluations were conducted. At change of structure of Space, for example, with the help of Pyramids all these quantities begin to vary and in enough broad band. Immunity animal, action, which has visited in a band, of a Pyramid essentially amplifies, many times over will increase viability of a cell-like tissue, the malignant process in an organism is blocked. The pyramid renders potent антистрессорное action, does not give immune system to fell in the leg(party) " of a growing old organism ". The medicinal preparations multiply strengthen the specific properties even at diminution of concentration many times over, the ghost effects from their application disappear. The man Lazy wants in all said to see mysticism and all to reject, the Man Reasonable wants in all it to understand and very soon will understand, that in this case we primely deal with physics, which we yet do not know, with a biology, which we yet do not know. Gains of Science of physics, philosophy especially are necessary, biologies etc. to understand, that there is our World, in which we live.

Exclusive importance for the Man and Mankind there is a reduction in a harmonic state of field structures of the man or groups of the people. The state of these field structures also is, how we are entered in the environmental world, as far as we are harmonic with it(him) and in a nem. It also is, as far as we are harmonic with other structures and factors of the environmental world, for example, with pathogenic микробами and viruses, with озоновым by an atmospheric slice and surface stratum of a litosphere, with a social and economic situation in a society(community), with a level энергообеспеченности of material objects, including and biological.

Energia of Pyramids directly is bound(interlinked) to the Man, with our attention, our ideas, our representation about Harmony. Those ideas, those representations, which are in a resonance with a golden Section, with the shape of a Pyramid, begin to dominate in environmental Space. It also is a bottom(basis) of the mechanism of change of the program of our Medium Обитания with the help of Pyramids. On business it looks so: if think of the man who is taking place in a band of influence of a Pyramid (inside or outside), are charged with Goods, care of the environmental World, the probability of embodying of these ideas will increase in thousand time. If think of the man who is taking place in a band of influence of a Pyramid, are charged Гордыней, Evil, thirst of fracture, insidiousness, the embodying of such ideas multiply will be interlocked, and such man gains potent stimulus to change the vital installations in a direction of Harmony. In all cases of dialogue with a Pyramid our consciousness gains an actual opportunity of influence on our subconscious mind, which is the integral part of a subconscious mind of all our environment, subconscious mind of all Mankind. A key for such influence is the resonance мыслеформ, which we create, with a golden Section, with the shape of a Pyramid. Мыслеформы, contradicting to a golden Section, begin to be transduced under the law of Harmony. Obviously and presence of a back coupling in such processes. Thus our consciousness also aspires to Harmony with the environmental World, so, aspires to Harmony and our World.

The golden section is an establishing constant in painting, architecture, science. All alive is created according to a proportion of a golden Section. The proportions of Pyramids are those, about which we speak. Intuitively it is understandable, that it is not necessary to expect negative developments from buildings with such proportions. It also is, on my view, one of trajectories of magnification of a standard(measure) of Harmony of the World, environmental us.

For last half-blepharons the biologists and медики of all world search a vaccine for an erasure that of one virus, another. The various preparations destroy патогенные albuminous structures: from a virus of an influenza and rod Коха up to a virus СПИДа. Half-blepharons we the converse effect - we apparents we gain new mutations of fibers new developments of diseases and, main, on a phon local like of successes, constant deterioration of a blanket situation. We want to deceive a Nature instead of adapting to it(her). We declare on words the unification with a Nature, and on business we oppose ourselves to it(her). You see we perfectly get on with some bacteria and viruses. Without an intestinal rod Колли-17, for example, the process of digestion is inconceivable, and rod Коха or virus СПИДа direct on us horror. I think, that of years so one million back both virus СПИДа and rod Коха were friends of the Man, fulfilling cross functions. Structure of Space since then has varied, the program of relationships of the Man with these squirrels has varied and we have reached up to " life such ". Action of Pyramids on Space, the change of this program can correct a standing. In such Space there is no place, for example, oncologic processes, the immun